Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Look what my hubby can do!

Recently I was reading a blog where I came across THIS website. Ana finds furniture in pottery barn, etc. and the recreates them so any ordinary person can build them for a reasonable price and does not have to spend hundreds of dollars on nice furniture.  I immediately fell in love with all of this handmade furniture! This lady has truly been an inspiration for me and Adam. Adam has always loved working with tools and has always wanted to learn how to wood work. I knew we could do it! After searching through her plans, I picked out a few plans I liked and sent Adam to Lowes. After just  a few days this is what we have:
 A table to go in the kitchen for more storage( mainly my baking supplies) and to use as a buffet table when needed. We stained it this color to make it look rustic and old.

... and the shelf above

                                   A bench to go in the living room for storage and extra seating.

Isn't my hubby awesome! I actually helped him and got pretty good at using the nail gun and chop saw!
He also built a bookshelf to go in Lawson's room, but it still needs painted. It has cubbies on the bottom and then just a shelf on top! We are about to start working on a locker style cubby shelf mudroom thing to go in our entry way for storage to collect coats, mail, shoes, and junk. I'm thinking of painting this a bright bold color so it will POP! Let me know what you think of our new handmade furniture!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The week I've been dreading!

This week I started grad school and Lawson started part-time day care. I have never been away from Lawson for this long and I have been so nervous about leaving him. Let me just say, he on the other hand was not upset to leave me one bit! I guess I should be thankful that he is such an independent little boy, but I kind of wanted him to be just a little bit upset that I was leaving. Nothing! He is definitely not a baby anymore! He can eat big boy food like pizza and chicken nuggets and he is about to start walking! He even tried salad today for the first time! Crazy??! He is loving daycare and playing with other kids and has started talking so much more since he's been around other kids! The only bad part of daycare is that he is getting off his napping schedule which in turn affects his nighttime sleep. I hope he gets adjusted soon! This week went so much smoother than I imagined. I love his daycare... they take such good care of him and he enjoys it! A win win!

This is Adam's last semester in school (hooray!) and we are having fun walking to classes together and meeting on campus to eat lunch! It almost feels like we are on dates, since we don't have Lawson. Tonight I am working on Lawson's birthday invitations. I cannot believe it's time for Lawson's first birthday! Where has this year gone? I sometimes feel like we all need to slow down a bit just to enjoy life and these special moments with our little ones! This is going to be my new year's resolution: slow down and enjoy life. Quit worrying about having a clean house (it's never going to happen anyway!), don't get upset if Lawson wakes up at 2 AM... go grab him and cuddle with him before he's too big, stop trying to be a perfectionist, and spend time with my family having fun... like going to the park and going on walks! I find myself worrying about so much that I sometimes forget to just relax and enjoy the wonderful blessing around me.

I hope everyone has had a great week and YAY for 3 day weekends!!!